Like Canute on Brighton beach, Macduff considered the foes across the oceans. They came at him at every turn: Bird 'flu, disaster, nuclear conflict, genocide, aids, global meltdown and he looked at his crooked hands while he spoke a quiet prayer in his mind, 'I am not to blame.'
Gaia heard his supplication and whispered sweetly, 'No-one is to blame.' Macduff left the ghost of his maternal guilt and kissed his accusers on both cheeks before he gently slipped of his sack and sat cross-legged on a tomb where his fears now lay.
He felt a lifetime of shame fall from his shoulders and saw that none of this was his doing and that he need do nothing about it whatsoever. Nothing mattered now, all he knew were his senses, he could play soon, think to amuse himself and write for fun.
The world was going to end, Gaia knew, pure pleasure was advisable which would be small as his wealth was lost. Even the anger and injustice were ebbing away.
The cup of sorrow span to the ground, poison seeped through the grass and Gaia rose screaming from her tomb which cracked open wide sucking Macduff into the bosom of the earth where he slept silently until the poison had cracked the rocks of time.
Earth perished a million years ago and Gaia walks the forests, mountains and plains but she will not enter the sea.
Coff Boxter went dutch with Twinkle-toes Twin Pie and they scoffed the lot (cracked me up at the time). Coff and Twinkle levelled at double zero when it occured to Coff that One Track Alley had turned out to be a one way street, probably due to limited passing space. Town Planner Harry poured scorn on Coff's complaint about the lack of a by pass and the relentless narrowing of the City's main arteries. "Don't scoff my contribution" blurted Coff - Harry was the kind of twat who hung books on his dick to make it longer for the girls. T-T had heard that Mad Harry used a g-clamp and the Shorter Oxford one day, that fell open on 'A'. His "friend" who loved his whelps and squeals recited the whole section until she got to 'antidisestablishmentarianism' whereupon she gasped, "I think that's long enough now dear H." Coff went back to his mince pies and I sang 'Jerusalem' to the tune of 'Love her madly.'
Pinstripe Alley is a narrow lane near Aldgate tube station. City chavs slide down the alley for crafty fags, suicides hang from gibbets along the dark brick walls to act as encouragement to those of a less bullish disposition. Pinstripe Alley underpins what is "gay" about the City of London - the bright cigarette ends are incandescent in the gloom. One perceives puffy and bouncy grey black clouds through a wide crack at the end of the gables, smiling down on the suicides' pale and puffy skin. "Wish I was there" mused Matey, "off and away to some distant paradise." As he drew his last breath on the dwindling cigarette, jet engines crooned across the crack in Pinstripe Alley, above the clouds, above the gables, above the suicides and right up Matey's street. Matey crushed his fag into the wall and dwindled off to climb the final wooden hill to Bedfordshire via Aldgate tube station.
My dad comes from Yorkshire and his favourite book is 'A Christmas Carol', which he re-reads every year. Like one of the characters, my dad is 'careful' with money and he detests Geoff Boycott for beating his wife (which to my recollection is not part of Dickens's novel).
I have not yet had the pleasure of reading 'The Colour Purple', but I find the film enthralling. It's strange to attach 'pleasure' and 'enthralling' to that story of such dark motives and I am sure the film must embellish the 'truth' not a little bit.
I rate Whoopi Goldberg since I first saw 'Ghost' after which I scampered to the toilets at the Odeon with tears trickling down my cheeks - people blubbed openly in public and no-one thought it was strange.
I suppose there are moments when tears well up at significant news: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Kennedy, John Lennon, Berlin Wall, Nelson Mandela, Peristroika and Glasnost.
The shadow of world war hung over the northern hemisphere for decades, whilst tripping on fly agaric mushrooms I 'saw' flights of warheads crossing over to the UK and terrified, I amused the whole faculty bar with my oracular warnings.
I got a 2/1 in the end - fuck knows how..
Undeniably the cold war is seared on my psyche, what mark will 9/11 leave on a generation of americans, how does that square with 'bombs that are planes' 'that were warheads that never came?'
The French Revolution had its terror, what other delicacies are those who love peace going to endure in the name of expediency?
Saddam Hussein should realise he's about to be America's scapegoat for 9/11 - the boys have hunted 'the beast' now they're gonna kill him too. Somehow the guilt of being the greediest, most power hungry race on earth will be miraculously assuaged.
I am angry that this solitary figure, once a nation's tyrannical and bloody leader was toppled by the 'allied' forces. I think that oil is the sidehow however relevant and that WMD were a subterfuge. I wonder how many lives were lost and how much more misery inflicted since Saddam Hussein was replaced?
Doing the figures seems obscene though.
The main issue with Iraq is the same one the world over, viz., there is no global legal or ethical framework that permits one nation to call time on another, except one of course: war. War still calls the shots in international affairs, wars, like fights, kick off for often trivial reasons, often lies. War is the purpose of power and which are the beefiest pugilists around here?
Generals love using the 'for their own good' argument, normally it wins votes for politicians too.
Y'see I get nauseous sometimes at the sight of macho men, most people I'm friendly with are women - my point is, the power and the wars and the posturing are what I see in the faces of men I see at supermarket counters or in bars. Women have these attributes too, but there is something slightly more 'bolshy' and dangerous with men.
If Saddam had been a woman, can I imagine her being hunted down and seized then dragged off to a bourgeois court of law? Less women than men do the kind of things that Saddam Hussein stands accused of. That does not address the issue of the fate of women at the hands of soldiers, further indictment of maleness.
Men of any race are the same and they would do the same with the power if they had it and the Americans didn't. (Most)Men are brutes and that is unlikely to change for many generations.
I have a stash of finest virginia tobacco, four rizla packets and a few slimline filters, a bottle of tasty Vacqueras wine (consumed) and a pretty young lady on my knee. The keyboard and the screen are my pallette and canvas and my art is a humming box that is now 5 years old. The difference between the CPU and my 'nous' are perhaps difficult to discern although I aim to belittle the former and promote the latter. The young lady is my daughter who asks, 'what does humming box mean' and laughs when she gets included in the post. I pause to burrow into my tobacco pouch, use another blue rizla and filter - gonna feed the craving man..
Sounds a bit like a blog really , not art except in the saying it becomes art - life events retold are 'art with attitude', elevated only upon reflection and doubly expressed when living life has attitude whose reflection and expression have attitiude. Ever closer to the source of life I find art that I later express close to the source of life, ehancing art that enhances life.
Is that funny?
Not a day goes by that I miss Gypsy Phil Blossom - heart of an ox, neck of a swan. Did you see when he nailed that petty prophet to some branches he stole from the mangrove swamp? The guy, what a stud, he cursed the progeny of all progeny and gave them the name of some martyr from Galilee. Of course all the gits from hell tried to wipe the slate clean, kindof tabula rase, but with some hope of post mortem longevity, the progeny kept his name from cradle to grave.Most of the gits were stoned, to death kindof gratefully dead for limbo death avoided the jesus and mary chain and offered the stoned their tabula rase, taken in tablet form guaranteed said longevity without a tiresome and demanding escort.Gipsy Phil had Marx fetching sticks for the fire in a canyon in the Atlas's, it got cold at night. Marx weaved his dreams by firelight and Gipsy weaved trellises from the wood (to which one day he nailed a poxy prophet). Funny how things turn out..
Event Horizon
Does anyone get Einstein? Old mate Albert One Stone or is it 'mein's a lager and black.' Or is it an occasional irritation like athlete's foot? Cos y'see everyone's buzzin' about speeds that exceed a 1963 Morris Minor and well, it's a waste of good drinking time. All that furious delving and investigating - who needs it? Albert wore diapers and he finished up in a crate and his theories that I dimly perceive fucked up the planet like every fucking scientist.So what of the so-called speed of light? An' all these masses moving oh so very fast? What a clot! You need 2 points to be accused of travelling, perspectives change, not place. This is here, now, it might be here, now in a minute, next week, next year. If someone else existed (and I'm not saying they do, mind) they could have a here,now, then and there.I can see gritty eyes and itchy scalps might need attention here. My premise is, the assholes look for answers beyond appearances hence they can make calculations arriving at mass, friction etc.. Tell them to stop looking: right now! Artists can teach about perspective, this profile, that one, head forward, fingers on keys. Mind, like the cosmos, doesn't move, matter moves but mind contradicts it and allows matter to mind its own business.My mind doesn't want science to make matter more intricate, more mind like - matter like trapped energy is becoming mind-like, soon mind and matter will harmonize and I wonder what the result will be? Your place or mine?
Nuked Families
Modern ills result from family breakdown - my quote sits fine with my anarchy. Were the sociologists who denounced nuclear families, victims of personal family issues? Discuss. Further - were their intellectual parents in family meltdown resulting from ideological warefare above and beyond acceptable reasons for breakdown?Was the assault on 'traditional family values' justified? I think not. I am blessed with a partner of 20 years and 3 superb children yet I am a committed anarchist, I seek the source of all things and I challenge appearances. Family breakdown has hurt countless young people, new family configurations are erroneous, step parents frequently cause distress.There is no going back only onwards - this is the crux of the melting pot - what will evolve will be - meltdown of civilisation? I cultivate my garden that I share with those I love deeply that we negotiate always and that hurts and heals simultaneously - you cannot go there it's for me only - find the garden of tranquility where you might love those who truly love you.
When shall we three meet again? Mine is the road movie goin' round and round the reel picking up particles of smoke as the glare crosses the auditorium - the film is a re-run the actor rehearsed the line 50 times but forgot the verse when his time came to act.Never say never - cue cards prop up the ageing icon as the truth eludes him again and again. Unable to voice fears so deep they snap at his sandalled feet, truth is soft and fills the breast as he begins to cry at the lost euphoria of youth.
I saw my shrink yesterday - that was weird... Inside 5 minutes I was pinned in my chair while his superocular vision tested and manipulated the shell of my brains. Well? What do you expect? I resisted - got a massive involuntary movement out of him (this is a consultant, mind). Of course he acceded to my wishes, served it on a plate no less.Don't matter really - motives OK, get along with him OK, no need to get assey, need gets less and less over time. If I can't stay chill i'm fucked (21:03 my time) and folks aint that bad as long as you stick to the health warning.We began 'a relationship' and that is coool how i feel now, only when parano it goes to shit, normal is cool but getting existentially basic is REAL.
'Children in need' - top of the poll for sure of fine sentiments and squanderers of shed loads of cash - the very best of brit pet charities. I wonder what else the brits need to think of spending millions on? Oh yes! climate change and greed spring to mind, what's a few sprogs suffering slightly more than they should compared to annihilation of the species (and the other animals)? But heh! don't we all love kids, far more tactile and cuddly than wind turbines or tidal barrages. Not to mention that kids worldwide are lost in their millions to greed and climate anomalies. But heh! ho! jolly do, here is my silly song in cuddly-bear costume all about candy floss clouds and mountains of wobbly jelly.Get an effing life for eff's sake (still 30 minutes off the watershed). Kids are tough, robust, resourceful and sussed - they seriously think that adults are out of their trees - man! I hear kids, kids are cool, it's their parents who aren't. Who is Pudsey really for? them that's small or them that's big? Children in need assuages the guilty consciences of every rotten 'grown up soul.'
'snot good news
My pet food lady suggests I may have "manflu" - so how does a virus choose to plague a woman or a man? I suggested it was quite debilitating even though men generally have a higher pain threshold (...) - still snot is marginally more endearing than entrails I suppose. Of course it was just innocent banter but I felt that I had put her in her place just a speck and my slate is down to £1.83 - reasons to be cheerful.I'm so boringly ill I had to take the day off work and as it happens to be Laura's 10th birthday that all worked out quite well - could have been predicted even. Don't assume I'm a malingerer - that's just the kind of assumption people make, obviously I'm hammering away on Bog Role between snorts into my mouchoir and popping uninteresting pills.Don't try and sympathise although I now you'll find it hard not to, there's not a man among us who hasn't got the better of these epidemiological hand outs, however in the words of the chief government scientist - BIRD 'FLU COMETH and then we'll see who's the man around here.
November sucks
According to my astrologer, mercury is retrograde making it unwise to set up deals or buy electrical goods until the 17th. However, as well as the new moon appearing on the 20th, the 21st of November is the luckiest day of the whole astrological year across all the signs!I can't wait - my poor old luck is a bit down in the mouth lately - in fact I shall be scoring shed loads of gorgeous wonga, not a second too late says I.I failed to track the appearance of notable events plus or minus 5 days one month since the solar eclipse (I recall around the 8th October). If my astrologer predicted this f***ing cold a month ago I'd have mortgaged on the spondoolees arriving on the 21st and f***ed off to Trinidad.Unfortunately I am now well pissed off with shit secreting from every orifice (do you prefer your information deep fried or grilled?).Don't worry about me eh, sure you've got plenty of your own problems - shall we form a federation of snot snorkeling feudalists?If like me, you connect with astrology, look out for the 21st - it's a bit like the ides of March, only better.
Anarchy is the birthright of all peoples - people are born free and are everywhere in chains (you have nothing to lose but your chains). Zion! Rastafari.
Lest we forget
Poppy Day in the UK always presents a dilemma - should I indeed honour the dead as tradition suggests or should I be sneering at old soldiers for their adherence to duty as the military demands? It comes as much to the military and their power-hungry paymasters requiring me, N.E Body, to observe the two minute tribute. Being particularly authority-phobic, that's a little uncomfortable.For years I searched to square my anarchy with my respect for ordinary men and women who faced and met, death. I should like to announce that I am one step nearer to day to that goal (insofar as it will ever be fully met).The old and the young fought because of strong beliefs (others were forced, conscripted, press ganged etc.). They were under orders from (mostly) men who obeyed several motives, including power, greed, fear and wealth. I am an anarchist because I want all men and women to be their own leaders, therefore I discount the rights of those who usurp authority, therefore those common soldiers who gave their lives for others really, freedom fighters, help me to solve the riddle of respect a little. I can explain.[ they would find this a specious and ludicrous discussion]To get to the point, when soldiers fought and died for the sake of freedom from Tyranny, the world remained a place where democracy could afford its adherents more opportunities than they might enjoy if under the rule of a tyrant. One opportunity that I enjoy is to seek the abolition of the state, impossible in a tryranical state but a little more acceptable in a democratic one.I could rabbit for hours about the illusion of freedom under democracy - I don't rate democracy in the absolute but it beats tyrany because I am able to use democracy as a means to progressing further towards a stateless planet. It is for those who died for 'freedom' that I am able to write about anarchy so others can read it. I won't go as far to wear a poppy on November 11th but there is the ring of truth in the words of those who proclaimed a 'war that would end all wars.' I.e., when freedom finally reigns, something only a few articulated but freedom that is perhaps just beginning to come into focus.
Reasons to be cheerful
This blog is probably so much comment on the coup d'etat that finally has been struck - what I mean is that the revolution arrived whilst I was off somewhere picking blackberries. Jesus Christ, Buddhas, Mohammed and Vishnu all be praised!! Hope is sitting here in my dining room - she parachuted in a few moments ago. I'd like you to persuade me that the world is the same as it was a few months ago, gloom and doom, and that actually I'm still praying for a miracle, for a real revolution.We are legion friend - everywhere there is illumination - i can retire, consciousness has risen to a point where millions can see the need of our people and our planet - praise the thinkers, praise the activists and praise the workers. The American elections have produced a surge around the planet - I have known false dawns but maybe people really care that we all face annhilation. This is 18 carat hyperbole, the work continues, another page has turned - just a thought - all the cityfolk where I live now recycle waste bigtime and y'know what? - They mean it.
There's been talk of man's shared global consciousness and I reckon that's great and I thought about John Stuart Mills's greatest happiness of the greatest number (duty of goverment argument). And I thought - what about the minority who end up unhappy? Is a better theory: the greatest happiness of all minorities = the greatest happiness of everyone = the greatest happiness of the greatest number with no-one left out? And then comes along global conciousness where every being in every part of every country wills the survival of every being in every part of every country. Do I want to live forever? Or do I want everyone, everywhere to live forever? Or actually, do I care that humanity survives after I die? I love my kids, I will love their kids. When I see their kids will i care about their kids? What is the leap that I must make that will make me care if my descendants are happy? This is seminal in every sense, essentially, the very old see the same mistakes being made by the active population, they know yet can't vocalise the wisdom, it sounds like cliches. The young make change, the old pick up the pieces and feel a bit sad it all went wrong. So where is J-S-M? The consciousness of every farmer, every stockbroker, every tribal hunter, every teacher, cries for parity, cries for universality and because they are a minority, as a role (not personal identity), in the new J-S-M where I will the survival of all human types down the ages to come (and all the happiness they can get) it will please the old among us to see at last that selfishness will never happen to people again.
What the fuck was that?
Y'know - you took my breath away, y'know - you think ure right but ure not fuckin' right - ure not even right in the head. And who the hell are you?Women eh? Where do they get off? They want to fuck then they don't - give me that friggin' burkha an' i'll show you who does the best effin' mother superior.Don't trust 'em just don't trust them - think you know a few tricks? They wrote the book - not just wrote it, they researched it, edited it and published it.Sorry chaps - they fucked me right over - I tried, jesus did i try - tomorrow I see the surgeon.I'm makin' me a woman 'cos women are the peachest grooviest dudes on earth.
Is it? Es gibt... It is not what it seems, isn't it? It's not there cos it hasn't got a name. That which can be named is not the Tao. So dude - what the fuck do we hang our hang-ups on? Images - shadows - that which the Tao is cos they are nothing really to speak about - they simply clothe my naked muse. Nothing special really. Where the fuck do fuck ups come from? You know what? They come from comparing images and shadows that waft across my mind. Seize the day dude! Not the fucking data. Just judging fucks our minds, comparing and judging - and where is this going? - to Valhalla cher ami - to no/mind, wu/wei. I obey aum diddy aum.
Which is the more meddlesome parasite in consciousness - satan or god? What possessed the great and the good of antiquity to come up with these two buggers? I would like to say to them: "right you guys, you've had your fun, people are now perfectly capable of taking it from here." It's not like you've been earning your keep lately, keeping us sweet in the candy shop you apparently provided. And yeh! for a monodeus you got created with a fat-off bevvy of tricky little dualisms. Those guys were dicks! OK - now god is dead, what next? Clean up the house a bit I s'pose, cut out the dead wood, dismantle consciousness an' virus check the few struggling or murderous theologies remaining. OK OK - tune up a few billion ways (wheyheh!) any leader you like darlin' pick a leader any leader oh boy! change the leader PASS IT TO HIM!! go on pass! pass! Wot no bosses? Wot no plan? Wheyhey! Now that's wu-wei - that's life.
Smoothy Groovy
Boogie and doobie trouble comes to life never saw it arrive it smelled me out yo reek babe - barter the double jeopardy cos it seeks me to the grassy grave. Lost chords of mein black star anthem rolling down the alleys of gomorra city by the lanterns of some sexy girly slum. I love not your spurious idiom death song - my lives live immortally unto the son of Suns. Star and moon in the bleak and black universal slum lie brighter than a lame god in a lame cosmos. Undo this breath of sadist horror that doesn't mix with borrowed joy - I tell you to my dying day the secret I carry is not the property of man nor beast - boogie all you wish to your sated fill.
So cool man - ure safe, safe as dudes man. Academics don't come as intellectuals - they just safeguard reason - not the trip of man, man. Yo! Phd - don't lay that trip on me dude - you an expert like those doctor dudes an' you don't come to my clinic - avoid me your medicine dude. Us intellos are of life school wid no sirteefeecats. Sisters and brothers are suss, we don' want the authority ure sellin'. So cool an' free bro' widout ure complifications - leave the man free dude, come down and have da crack with us brothers and sisters. No science no cry no expert no dunce yo friend mittel Klass uber klass sagt ihren nonsense laisse nous voler comme les anges. By and by fly to the sky on this earth hard and clear - our sights are on the greatest prize - the head of God on a plate ----- AMEN!!