Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Chasin' dragons is illegal in Ohio but chasin' dragons are everywhere in Massachusetts. With quixotic zeal I gird my girth hoping there's a bigger bugger round the next corner. Sometimes convinced a dragon has taken over my soul I quite expect to breathe fire and zoom across the New York skyline. Of course that's not going to happen but chinese wisdom and Christendom's St. George have convinced me that 'there be dragons!' Equally so, unicorns and fairies. Not the case? Then just what I wonder lies between 'me' and 'the world'? There is indubitably a bridge somewhere consisting of all the fairies, all the unicorns and all the dragons in existence - some speak of a rainbow bridge leading no doubt to nirvana - I guess by looking for one, t'other's close by? Happy hunting!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


There's a guy here who is stealing constantly and I think really 'what's the problem' - i blanked him for stealing milk for my coffees all night but black coffee's fine too. He's so used to pinching he can't stop, I can't talk to him (missionary position) cos by admitting he steals he's prone to eviction and getting labelled as a scab. He's helped me out of a couple of wobbly spots, I've got internet access (which I'm sure he craves) and what the **** do I do about the milk? On balance it's all equal I guess and although poor myself, he's poorer. I keep hitting this the fact none of us really has a bottom line cause the bids get lower why can't I remember that no-one cashes up - the till register goes on ringing the transactions - some cause for celebration in a small way.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Confessions of a paranoiac

Sometimes I get frightened yet another psychic ghetto can't even look you in the eye kind of time. Hope it happens soon - just can't wait - can you? For support and advice visit www.integrity.con it's an accident waiting to happen!


Have you ever been the victim of excessive banking charges?
Have your Service Users ever been the victim of excessive banking charges?
Do you ever wonder why banks impose heavy penalties on people who are already struggling to manage their money?
Do you ever wonder how banks are able to have privileged access to the credit register?
Did you realise that bank charges are actually unlawful and can be reclaimed?

Bank charges are not legally enforceable if they are penalties. Penalty clauses in contracts in English (and Scottish) law for breach of contract are not legal if the penalty exceeds the actual cost of the breach of either party. Nobody believes that it costs a bank £25 to £39 to return a DD, SO or cheque. It is purely a money making scheme, and a lucrative one at that - last year Which! estimated that the top 4 UK high street banks made £3 Billion from these charges alone. One in five bank customers incur these types of charge, and because its a bank imposing them, most assume that the bank must be legally entitled to do so.
Taking action - the BANK ACTION GROUP.
The Bank Action Group is part of the Consumer Action Group. It was setup in 2004 as an information resource to help people litigate against their banks for the return of unlawful charges. It is a free website, concerning itself with the empowerment of people to Reclaim their Rights.
The following web address contains a useful first point of call FAQ for those new to this. You will need to register with the site before you can view the document on the forums. Registering takes about 30 seconds:

The site states that:
"We have now had over 1,300 people reclaim their charges from their bank - some by just asking, some by sending threatening letters and some by starting legal action. ALL got their money back before a court hearing has been heard. It is our opinion that the banks do NOT want to go to court. In all of the letters received from banks giving the money back, they claim that it is for 'financial' reasons - i.e. the cost of defending a claim would outweigh that of just paying up.In the case of one of our forum users, the bank paid 600% of what was being claimed in order to avoid court action. The bank in question has repaid over £68,000 so far. Surely if they were legally entitled to this money, they would have defended an action by now to prove the point and stop the 'snowball' effect? How many more cases do they have to pay back before it becomes financially viable? I think we all know the real answer"


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ironically, Heraclitus claims that change is the immutable principle of what is called Ain Soph whereas fundamental philosophy which shapes reality is based on a notion of stasis from which status quo has emerged. How different the world might be if Heraclitus was a bad taoist and resisted the forces behind stasis. Perhaps what goes around comes around, perhaps the world is emerging as the rolling stone it always was? Personally, you might want to hold me responsible along with a few others for stoking the engine of change because I am gifted with being able to facilitate change. Personally, from a base of specific habits, rituals and geographic places I can generate sufficient raw catalyst to affect change. So what do you care? As suggested, I am not alone in this career as I regularly encounter other workers with 'fluid' about them. Perhaps you know some too? If you're interested, go to the texts, learn to hear things properly, it's not earthshattering, nothing to get anxious about: Jesus himself (and I'm no christian) once said - I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, maybe he knew something too.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Watercourse Way

So nature does as nature will, best know her ways to live well. "It's all about you" - all around if you could but perceive. No need to find Delphi to find the Oracle: birds, animals, fish, insects, wind, rain, trees await questions from any caller. Baudelaire's very own temple of nature! The brilliance of creatures glued to Tao calling to sense the dragon as it devours the rule books of samsara. Live well live long and prosper!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

17/8/06 Tony Blair assassination plot.

Le Nouvel Observateur, the French weekly news and current affairs magazine is poised to publish a classified document thought to originate from a senior French intelligence source that reveals a bungled attempt to assassinate the British PM during June 2006. It suggests that the Prime Minister, while on a visit to a European city, came within seconds of being shot by a gunman who, on the point of capture turned the gun on himself. Mr. Blair was kept informed of events as he was driven to his next engagement. It is understood that aides are preparing a statement for the British press to be broadcast tomorrow. The gunman was not named in the secret document, but a group calling itself Catholicus Prophylacticus is due to confess shortly.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I do recommend some time spent scouting in Blogland, partly to boost any flagging faith in human nature (although in some instances perhaps not), partly to allow yourself the indulgence of another blog.
In the US whole families write blogs with frequent exuberant religiosity, while others appear as elaborate testimonies to lost individualism. In the Pacific Basin, all the young students on Business courses are planning careers that seem to require them driving across America in fast cars. While South American bloggers eagerly await (and promote) the next social revolution. Whatever you're up to in Blogland tonight, remember, kids, keep it safe.

Banks 'r gettin' snappy don't you think? "You First" and "Another way" being popular slogans of the day. And if things go belly up, what then? "Bank first" and "Same way" of course!
Banks aren't designed for the less well off, the way they cope is to stick some poor operator on a phoneline with one of these impassable number-crunching credit-checking computers that say 'no chance' tersely through the hapless operators (soon to be made redundant, mark my words.) "It's the technological age", she said, "More's the pity", says I.

I am a white male but I am not fond of many whites or many men. Men are mostly too macho and too thick for my liking and white people are too greedy.
Women know what men can be like, man, look at yourself from a woman's perspective. People with a skin colour that is not white see what white people do everywhere.
There is cultural war in the world but there is equally some sense of brotherhood and sisterhood.
What is it costing for white people to hold on to it's resources worldwide? Doesn't the envy and hatred of the people whose lives we manage simply undermine our credibility and equanimity?
The white right wing everywhere is quite right: at some level we are seeing an erosion of (world) white society.
The white right wing senses that white civilisation is waning and nation states everywhere are seeing massive internationalisation.
We ignore the right at our peril, people of the world aren't seeking to trash Europe or North America or Australasia, some are, but most aren't.
If white supremacy ends in violence, violence could continue for centuries - there is learning in history across even millenia - be a bit clever chaps! Aim to make the transition to world peace whereby supremacy becomes....what? You tell me!

Friday, August 11, 2006

There was this dutch guy quietly camping with his wife and kids, Gus was his name (Goose) which caused me to be called Mavernick by my wife and kids. Gus was unhappy the whole time we were there: I did give him my wife's spare set of ear plugs and he thought things had improved a bit. All the dutch neighbours looked daggers as we took the walk of shame to the shower block each morning. Gus might have been friendly without the snoring, a snorer himself, he also claimed to be a light sleeper - ooooh dear! I know they were celebrating long after we left, as I drove by for the last time, one of his kids made a rude noise, which I returned, which he returned back to me. Gus was a melancholy type, gravely germanic with a mournful lack of irony, however I did feel quite proud that, for once I beat the dutch at their own game...

Look! A flying bird! Can you leave your teeth under the mat so I can eat later while you sleep off the rat poison?
I knew a girl who peeled eggs in A+E and two boys who stole mattresses from the butchers.
When the next conference took place at BP a thousand demonstrators pulled up and changed their own antifreeze.
Paul Merton took himself seriously!
The first word I say is the last word I said.
What go in front of you and behind you? (Children)
Somewhere in China, wall street collapsed!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

La reve qui est mes vacances passe peu a peu, tout est maintenant et la chose continue a se derouler. Vers quoi? Une question qui n'a aucune importance car la vie mene nulle part, nulle part qui est ici, maintenant. La vie est arrivee! Elle arrive pour toi? ou peut-etre qu'elle existe ailleurs pour toi, et non pas ici, maintenant? Enleve tes soupcons et ta timidite, regards moi en face et dis-moi vraiment si je te fais peur tandis qu'en faite j'arrive a t'aimer comme toutes mes connaissances. Aimez-moi vous tous comme un frere, un pere, un fils ou un mari que vous venez juste de pardonner tout le mal qu'il vous a fait. Adieu pour le moment.

Nation states suck... has everyone been hypnotised?? Do you only see what you expect to see? Do you lead or are you led? See through my eyes! - I see people who choose freely, who do not sacrifice their right to absolute freedom in order to be protected. Have you not seen through the pretensions of the state? The state protects wealth, the police protect property, primary pre-occupations where citizens' needs come second. There is no duty, duty is a sleight of hand that mesmerizes soldiers and old people. You follow because you choose to follow but you have forgotten that you made that choice. Above all my friend, if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.