Kindof ran the idea of a huge increase in the number of seagulls recently past 2 or 3 workmates to day. One out of 3 said that they too had noticed greater seagull activity lately. Bristol happens to be a coastal city I admit, but why so many seagulls for fuck's sake? The office is on a square adjacent to the inner city ( St. Pauls). Sat on a bench, seagulls fucking about above ground nearby (birds reckon that flying is so clever), I said, "one of them is gonna shit pretty soon." .... Git - bullseye right on my crown chakra. Me, I sticks up for the dudes in feathers, why treat me like all the other dumb critters? Not to mention miles of road kill over in Wales last weekend. Wish the fuck that I could read into it, but nature reveals its secrets in its own time only. Stupid birds - get a fucking life - show me your counselling skills and your awesome public monuments. You fly so high and swoop so low, Timothy Leary. But what about us humans? Fit for recycling? Lost the plot? Actually saving our asses? Yeh - we're saving our asses, putting our soul power to the karmic wheel. Almost like Man U scoring a couple in the dying seconds (dreadful analogy.)